The week of January 13 welcomed Bridgewater-Raritan High School’s annual Psychology Fair.
For weeks prior to the event, AP Psychology students dove deep into concepts they had learned earlier in the year.
Psychology teachers Mr. Alben Fischer and Ms. Katherine Holt gave their students a list of 70 topics from which each group chose two to present. From cerebral lateralization–which is the specialization of different functions in the two hemispheres of the brain–to the Heinz Dilmena–used to study morality– students discussed various aspects of decision-making, personality and more. Through tri-folds and interactive presentations, they shared what they had learned with fellow classmates throughout the school.
From trivia questions with some sweet prizes to psychology tests that would portray the topic being taught, all students made sure to hold their audience’s attention and create a fun twist on learning.
One psychology student commented on the fair. “It was a great way to reinforce what we learned in the past and I think we all had fun trying to come up with engaging ways to present our topics!” they said.
Junior Toshani Jaladi, who attended the fair gave her comments. “Overall, the fair served as an informative experience for all students, and BRHS is excited to continue it for years to come!” she said.