Bridgewater-Raritan High School (BRHS) held its Fall Club Fair in the large gym during unit lunch on October 31 and November 4. Students had the opportunity to interact with club officers and members to get a better understanding of the extracurricular activities offered on campus.
Sign-up forms were sent to club leaders and advisors in order for their respective clubs to attend. The fair was originally planned to be two days long, during Unit Lunch on both October 30 and 31. However, due to school being canceled on October 30 due to the water break and due to the extended weekend, clubs had to reorganize their plans to attend the second day on November 4.
Inside the gym, numerous tables were set up for clubs to display their advertisements. These included poster boards, with descriptive and eye-catching information for students. Details such as the club’s goals, content, meetings, locations and more were made visible in hopes of attracting new members.
Additionally, most clubs offered candy to interested people on the first day of the fair as the date coincided with Halloween. Some clubs let students answer a trivia question with candy as a reward while others would give them out to students who listened to their club presentation.
Corbin Jimenez, a sophomore at BRHS and secretary of Piu Vivace, was advertising the club at the fair. Piu Vivace is an orchestra club for students to play fun, unconventional music with their friends. Corbin commented on the advantages of the club fair.
“[The club fair] is great for students looking for new clubs and activities to join. It helps them talk with club leaders and experienced members so they can get a better idea of what the club is about,” he said.
The club fair was a space for club leaders to share and promote their clubs to new students interested in participating. BRHS has a vast array of extracurricular opportunities, and the club fair helped students discover them.