The Bridgewater-Raritan High School chapter of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) recently held its annual officer board election in order to decide the club’s officers for the upcoming school year.
All club members were in attendance at the meeting, which was held on May 22.
The FBLA is an organization that prepares young students for careers in various fields such as business, management, entrepreneurship and technology. Over 200,000 member students from across the United States participate in FBLA throughout the year, competing at regional, state and national levels.
The Bridgewater-Raritan club participates in FBLA’s various events throughout the year. As many of the senior officers go off to college, a new and refreshed officer board had to be established for the 2024-2025 school year. Many candidates applied for different positions, all of which help support the club and its activities.
Candidates first had to fill out a officer application, which asked questions to get a summary of their previous leadership experience and why they want to join the officer board of the club. In addition, at the election meeting, candidates gave a brief speech explaining why they should be elected for the position they applied for. Officer points accumulated throughout the year through participation in events such as bake sales were also factored into their eligibility.
Club members were asked and encouraged to vote for each spot via a Google Form. After elections had closed, the FBLA officer positions were announced.
First, the shared roles of co-president were awarded to juniors Sameer Tijare and Athul Anand. Co-vice president positions were given to juniors Aritra Banerjee and Saanvi Goel.
Next, the community service coordinator position was given to current freshman Achyut Nuli and coordinator of fundraising was given to junior Anish Parikh. Sophomore Natalie Chen received the publicist title. Freshman Anvay Ajmera was chosen to be the new club webmaster.
Freshman Anvay Ajmera commented on his experience running for FBLA officer board.
“Running for FBLA officer was a great way to show off my interest and passion for the activity along with my skills that are relevant to my position. FBLA overall has been a really fun extracurricular for me, and I hope to do well in the upcoming National Leadership Conference,” he said.
The next big FBLA event of the year is the National Championships, which will be held during the last week of June in Orlando, Florida. Over 15 people from Bridgewater-Raritan qualified back in March during the New Jersey State Competition held in Atlantic City. The club hopes to do well at Nationals and bring success back home.