The Bridgewater-Raritan Science for Community and Youth Empowerment (SCYE) club held its annual science fair on February 6 in the 800 building after school.
The club’s purpose is to empower students who have an interest for science and to display their contributions and impact upon our school and community. In the past, the club has renovated the school garden and hosted science fairs at other schools.
Seniors Manan Rajput, Richelle Sindhwani, Pranav Samuel, Ridhima Ghoshal and Sarah Gupta explained the science behind how ice cream was made and the conditions required for this experiment to occur. The five students demonstrated this experiment by using a physical cooler and even taught the audience how to make it for themselves.
Seniors Aarav Nirmal, Prajith Kamalakannan and Ryan Khan did a demonstration to explain how electricity works along with Newtonian physics and gravity.
Sophomore Jeffrey Pravin presented an explanation of how and why the food coloring and sugar shell of M&Ms candy diffuses when in contact with warm water. The audience was instructed to go to separate sinks in the room and try out the experiment for themselves.
Sophomore’s Laasya and Lahari Thota explained the history and science of fossils, how they form and what sort of environmental factors are required in order for them to form. The audience then went to separate tables with a bucket of sand and attempted to dig up toy dinosaurs buried underneath.
In addition, the Women in STEM club was in attendance, explaining the science behind how popping boba pearls are made and how they react in other substances. The experiment was presented by the club’s co-presidents, seniors Christine Hu and Kaavya Selvakumar, along with sophomore Nandini Kuppachi. At the end, the hosts of the experiment gave out bowls of ice cream with the boba pearls to the audience.
The SCYE fair was an event to gain experience and learn about different facets of the science world with real-world applications of concepts. Events like these align with the organization’s goal to empower students through impactful educational experiences.