The Glow Dance: A Memory That Never Was

The Class of 2026 Class Council will continue to sponsor events for their class


Paritosh Bhole, Writer

The Freshman Class Council at BRHS offered an event: the Glow Dance. Organized by the freshman advisor and officers, it was meant to be a fun night to be enjoyed by many students. After lots of promotion and effort to get approval, the dance had to be canceled. 

The planning for the dance went back months in advance, involving collaboration with all officers in the Freshman Council to decide the date, entertainment, and theme. 

Originally, the dance was open to the freshman class but allowed students to bring a BRHS guest from another grade. Later, the dance was opened up to sophomore students and their BRHS guests, as well. Various revisions went into the event details before the decision to cancel the dance was made on March 20th.

The main reason for the cancellation was low ticket sales. Officers were stationed outside of the main cafeteria for multiple days in the weeks leading up to the event, selling tickets priced at $15. In a rough estimate, only about fifty tickets were sold; half the amount needed to offset costs associated with the dance. 

Nonetheless, the 9th grade Class Council hopes that future events this school year can be planned successfully so that as many opportunities as possible are provided to make new memories.

Annie Higgins, the advisor to the Class of 2026, commented on the cancellation. She told The Prowler, “Regardless of the reasons for low ticket sales, I am proud of the efforts made to produce an event for BRHS students that promoted class unity, connection, and culture…We are not discouraged by the outcome of this event. We will learn our lessons and present a spectacular event for next year’s Sophomore class!”