The Create Outline Develop Enhance (C.O.D.E.) club at Bridgewater-Raritan High School recently served as the host to a series of programming competitions, held at their annual March Mahyem meeting. Several club members were in attendance in hopes of winning prizes for their programming skills.
The meeting kicked off as usual, occurring right after school in room 2002. The club leader Saanvi Goel started the meeting by announcing the club’s co-presidents for the upcoming school year, who will be herself and junior Kinshuk Goel. She also announced the members who will be filling the three new deputy officer positions for the club.
The new deputies will be sophomore Ayushmaan Mukherjee as secretary, freshman Vedaang Verma as events coordinator and sophomore Karolina Torbus as digital publicist. These members will fill these roles in the upcoming year. In addition, multiple new opportunities were announced including treasurer, webmaster, competition coordinator and project manager.
After the introduction was out of the way, club members participated in two competitions. First was a Hackerrank, an online competition for programming. Participants had around 40 minutes to solve the programming problem and the ranks were based on time and test case accuracy.
The second competition was a Kahoot, which served to test the knowledge of coding terminology. Club members elected to participate in teams, working together to score well on the Kahoot.
The culmination of this meeting was the presentation of prizes to the winners. Prizes included Bluetooth speakers, keyboards and other tech-related gadgets. In addition to the coding challenges, there was a Spin-the-Wheel raffle in which freshman Achyut Nuli won a smart fitness watch.
In the behind the scenes of the C.O.D.E club, the BRHacks 2024 subteams have been working hard to prepare for the club’s second annual Hackathon which will be held in early October. Subteams include finance, logistics and outreach, serving as a way to start planning the event. The team hopes to make significant progress toward hosting another successful Hackathon.
The C.O.D.E club leader, Kinshuk Goel expressed his thoughts about the recent meeting.
“It was fun to see all the members work together to try to solve their Hackerranks and test their knowledge on the Kahoots. We hope to host similar meetings monthly going forward, to foster a love for all things computer science,” he said.
The C.O.D.E club holds monthly meetings in room 2002. All those interested in joining should join using the classroom code uqms3hr.